People born under the sign of Taurus tend to be slow and very indolent workers. like being hard-headed, obstinate, and unwilling to follow orders.
Positive characteristics and attributes of Taurus people include: simple to adjust to the surroundings. faithful to their closest friend. defended when required. Be meticulous and patient. It can be frightening when angry. sensitive emotions, a readiness to empathize with others' difficulties, and a readiness to lend a hand. enjoys dressing elegantly and correctly. People are easily intrigued in and drawn to things.
Their character is very honest, their mind is steady and firm, they often forgets himself, they likes to show off, they is a little arrogant, there are many obstacles in their life, their fortune is smooth, they likes to go abroad.
Those who are born with the wood element protecting them are very decent people. They radiate confidence and have a strong moral compass. They have an executive personality because they excel at categorizing knowledge into useful groups and creating workable procedures. They have the power to persuade others to support them. If there are opportunities, they can progress in a range of vocations. The tendency of the wooden man to work on tasks that are challenging and require a lot of effort is his worst shortcoming. People are less likely to finish what they started if their resources are divided among several projects. Carpentry equipment, furniture, literature, wood crafts, fashion/convection, education/courses, consultant, notary, art, writer, designer, etc. are appropriate types of businesses.
Orangnya budiman, senang melakukan sesuatu dan membuat rencana untuk kemajuan. Pandai berbicara, setia, pendiriannya kuat, perasaannya dalam, besar kemauannya, banyak akal sehingga pandai dalam berusaha dimanapun Dia berada.
Their moral character makes for positive behavior that sets an example for everyone around them. seems to speak a bit, but struggles to work. Many of their goals have been accomplished. Since this accomplishment, people have appreciated them.
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Various Activities
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