Sagittarius folks have a reputation for being stubborn and occasionally haughty. Sagittarius folks are excellent people who are always concerned with the wellbeing of their families and society. Friendly and conversational, which makes a lot of people pleased. ready to make sacrifices for others. discipline, diligent work, and extreme caution. It's pleasant to live a solitary, virtuous life. They is fearless, well liked by their family, and good at running the home.
They actions sought after what had previously been observed. extremely kind to their cherished pal. Their appearance enjoys flaunting their shoddy fortune. Likes to assist others yet can be challenging to calm down when upset. keen to work when their wishes are followed.
Orangnya cerdas, suka pada kepunyaan orang lain, tidak mau dikalahkan, suka menyendiri, dan kadang jauh dari pergaulan. Mempunyai daya cipta yang tinggi, rajin bekerja, dan mempunyai cita-cita membangun usaha.
Their actions are firm, they doesn't talk much, they are very clever, but their memory often forgets, their words are smooth and interesting, they are good at winning people's hearts. avoiding complicated matters generous fortune good but very jealous.
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