Gemini people are humorous, quickly angered, frequently inconsistent in their thinking, extravagant, dictatorial, and cowardly.
The Gemini folks are kind and have strong morals. they are eager to learn as much as they can. they has a kind disposition and desires to assist others. clever and acute mind People love them because they are polite and respects them.
Their moral character makes for positive behavior that sets an example for everyone around them. seems to speak a bit, but struggles to work. Many of their goals have been accomplished. Since this accomplishment, people have appreciated them.
Orangnya budiman, senang melakukan sesuatu dan membuat rencana untuk kemajuan. Pandai berbicara, setia, pendiriannya kuat, perasaannya dalam, besar kemauannya, banyak akal sehingga pandai dalam berusaha dimanapun Dia berada.
Since childhood, lack of supervision can have an arrogant character, likes to make noise, but is very intelligent, their orders affect their is position, they is quite social, they has a thin social sense.
See Also:
Various Activities
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