The weaknesses of an Aquarian include being easily offended, appreciative of compliments, occasionally daydreamy, and forgetful.
The positive characteristics and attributes of Aquarius people include: With fairness, development, and prosperity, do good in moderation. ready to make sacrifices for others. smart, affable, and trustworthy in conversation. Avoid riches greed by saving. content to socialize and have numerous pals.
Their actions are quite diplomatic, and They speaks very cleverly. However, exercise extreme caution when expressing Their opinion. Be kind to others, but don't forget to give gifts occasionally. finds fault with others with pleasure.
Orangnya budiman, senang melakukan sesuatu dan membuat rencana untuk kemajuan. Pandai berbicara, setia, pendiriannya kuat, perasaannya dalam, besar kemauannya, banyak akal sehingga pandai dalam berusaha dimanapun Dia berada.
Their personality is inconsistent when it comes to selecting a life partner. Very jealous lack of trust and regard for other people, along with a less intelligent posture of constantly changing their face, has its own appeal.
See Also:
Various Activities
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