The weaknesses of an Aquarian include being easily offended, appreciative of compliments, occasionally daydreamy, and forgetful.
The positive characteristics and attributes of Aquarius people include: With fairness, development, and prosperity, do good in moderation. ready to make sacrifices for others. smart, affable, and trustworthy in conversation. Avoid riches greed by saving. content to socialize and have numerous pals.
Their actions resemble those of a priest who enjoys studying religion, is dependable and steadfast in his convictions, and does not want to lose. Every choice made cannot be undone, but it enjoys giving. Smart to win friends' compassion and skilled at maintaining secrets.
Dapat mengerjakan segala macam pekerjaan dan menguasai apa yang dikerjakan. Mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan orang kelas atas atau kelas bawah, orang kaya maupun orang miskin. Baik budinya sehingga disukai banyak orang. Orangnya selalu berhati-hati dan penurut. Kadang baru sadar dan curiga setelah terkena tipu. Mau saling menerima dan memberi.
Their stance is firm and strong, they is responsible for everything that is carried out, they is friendly, they says, they is polite, their orders are always obeyed by people, their fortune is mediocre, they does not like to do good deeds.
See Also:
Various Activities
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